An unexpected bonus was diving was also going to be our Phi Phi Ley tour which was good as Ram wasn’t into that. We headed down south of Phi Phi Ley to Bida Nok.
Dov’s roommate Travis was also out on the boat with us.
Dov going through the equipment check with Anja on the boat.
Our first dive went well and we saw some cool wildlife.
Hanging out in front of Maya Bay. For the certification we had to swim around the boat twice and then tread water for 10 minutes. Right after we finished treading water a woman who had also just done this tried to do a back flip off the roof of the boat (where the above picture was taken) and hit her head on the way down. It was pretty freaky but someone was in the water with her in seconds and pulled her out quickly. She had a pretty big cut across her forehead but seemed ok. The boat almost bailed on diving for the day but instead since she didn’t seem critical we all geared up quick and jumped in the water. The dive boat with her and our stuff on it headed to Phi Phi Don while Phi Phi Barracuda’s second boat was being set off from the pier to come get us when we surfaced in 30-60 minutes.
We saw some awesome stuff on this dive and started to feel really comfortable underwater. Since on the boat Dov had been attending to the injured woman until about 1 minute before we jumped in the water for our dive he missed the memo we were only supposed to dive for 30 minutes. We were last off the boat and stayed down for 54 minutes. Opps… Good times.
looks like you're eminently certified. great photos.
It was so awesome to do with Dov in a far off land! So much more fun to have a friend certify us verse a random stranger.
Scuba diving is awesome!
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