Ram had a confusing discussion with the boatman as we wanted to avoid a repeat of the other day riding past our planned destination. Ram did get the confussion figured out. Hin Tak means broken rock and Ao Ling means monkey bay. In the end we were able to stand on the pier and say Hin Tak above lamp post. This was exact as a lamp post on the pier was directly below the Oyster Blade. We agreed to 100 baht each one way, we over paid by two times but we were off.
The first pitch was short and moved left of a large stalactite so Ram took his only lead of the day as he would be tired soon from multipitch climbing.
The first pitch was steep but pleasant.
Anja and I would lead for Ram and Dov from here. Anja and Ram went first so Ram got some awesome photos of Dov and I from above.
This is my favorite picture from the trip so far. The climbing was great, the water way just that beautiful, and the views were awesome.
Ram sat on the very edge of the pinnacle and posed for Anja.
Then he moved on the land behind the pinnacle for some more photos.
A view of Dov on the pinnacle from below and above.
We rappel down to the ground and were late again. As we rapped down we could see our boatman hanging out relaxing listening to music. One great thing about over paying for services is often you get great service. He knew he had 400 baht coming down off that peak so he just relaxed and waited rather than running around the street saying “Taxi Boat? Taxi Boat?”
It was a quick boat ride back to the pier.
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